Despite his worries that something might happen, Gin was feeling pretty prepared and willing to try and show he could still fight. If he was to be an adventurer then he was going to have to get serious. He was going to be the best Half-Oni there was, even if there was another one in their group. He would stand up to these people up ahead if they dared threatened his group, if he could keep trying to be brave about it. This was hard even for him when he was supposed to have all the confidence in the world given what he was and what he was supposed to do. Holding his head up high as he walked he couldn’t help but gasp when Jiang nudged his shoulder, giving it a rub as he gave him an annoyed look before looking away. [color=f7941d]”What? I thought that would be something you would want to do”.[/color] Feeling fairly confused about his decisions his eyes soon wandered away from Jiang before up to Yuudai, curious when she mentioned him by name. He didn’t think she’d be comfortable with someone of his stature holding up the front along with her, given the fact she was of such a height difference that it’d probably look like a joke to their possible attackers. [color=f7941d]”What? You want me up front too?”[/color] he questioned her before smiling, showing off his sharp teeth, [color=f7941d]”I’m not going to stand back and let everything happen without me. I’m capable of protecting others!”[/color] Moving quickly to the front Gin held onto his cloak, keeping his strides fairly long so he could keep ahead of the others without falling behind his post.