[center][h2][color=violet]Loki “The Puppeteer”[/color][/h2] [i][color=gold]”You’re all just puppets on strings.”[/color][/i] [hider=The Puppeteer] [img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/345/4/7/the_puppeteer_by_imitation13-d6xle52.jpg[/img] [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/289/c/7/creepypasta_the_puppeteer_fan_art_by_delucat-d6qo49k.jpg[/img] Raven stands at around 5'0. He can be very sensitive about his height. He also is stronger than he looks, his clothing hiding the sinewy muscles that make up his frame. He is rather slender for a male but don't underestimate him, he can pack a punch when he feels like it.[/hider] [i][color=gold]"I've got no strings to hold me down."[/color][/i] [hider=Information][color=violet][b][u]+Age+[/u][/b][/color] [color=gold]Unknown[/color] [color=violet][b][u]+Powers+[/u][/b][/color] [color=gold] +Puppet Manipulation~ He is able to create any doll/puppet and control it completely. Just as well, he is also able to turn animals into his puppets. As well as the ability to control the puppet he is also able to see, hear etc. through them. +Thread Manipulation~ User can create, shape and manipulate threads and string, long, thin and flexible form of material, shaping and combining them as needed, or moving them with telekinesis. He is able to change the density, hardness etc such as using it to slice apart a tree.[/color] [color=violet][u][b]+Skills+[/b][/u][/color] [color=gold]+ Lying, he does it rather well and uses it to mess with people. + He can be quite stealthy when the need strikes him. + He is quick and light on his feet. + Surprisingly, he excels in hand-to-hand combat.[/color] [color=violet][u][b]+Personality+[/b][/u][/color] [color=gold] Strange. Raven is a very strange individual and none can guess what ever goes through his mind. One could also call him bipolar, going from angry to happy to sad all in the span of a few seconds. In some cases though he can be very emotionless and doesn't really care about the feelings of others. He also becomes bored very easily. If you hold no interest over him he won’t give you the time of day but if you do happen to catch his fancy then you’ll wish you were dead just to be rid of him. He also likes meddling with people and generally just causing chaos because he finds it funny. He is actually very dangerous when bored because he will go to great lengths for entertainment.[/color] [color=violet][u][b]+Bio+[/b][/u][/color] [color=gold]”Ah, ah, ah. That would be telling~”[/color] [color=violet][u][b]+Theme Song+[/b][/u][/color] [url=https://youtu.be/ZyduaYWVUD4]Game Of Life[/url] [color=violet][u][b]+Other+[/b][/u][/color] [color=gold] He tends to talk through the puppets he creates and he has names for all of them. Also, pocky. He is absolutely addicted to pocky. He always keeps an innumerable amount of boxes in his pocket and he is always seen with a stick in his mouth. Also, he does not liked physical contact with anyone. You might lose a few fingers if you touch him. He has a favorite doll named Mary that he uses more than most:[/color] [img]http://data2.whicdn.com/images/37255674/superthumb.jpg[/img][/hider] [i][color=gold]"I had strings but now I'm free."[/color][/i][/center] [hr] [center][h2][color=lightblue]Chime[/color][/h2] [img]http://www.theanimegallery.com/data/thumbs/790px/0114/tAG_114481.jpg[/img] [color=lightgreen]Stands at 4'8 | Is very petite and slender; not very strong | Doesn't know her age but she looks 16 years[/color] [color=lightgreen]+Powers+[/color] [color=lightblue]+ Musical Element Control- Through the use of her violin, she is able to manipulate the elements by playing certain notes on the instrument. However, she has to be concentrating or there is a possibility of the elements turning on her. + Mind Control- Once humans or animals have heard her song, she is then able to control them and bend them to her will. Will not work on others of her kind however it can act as a sort of calming agent for them and soothes their temper if they hear it. + Musical Creation- By using her voice/violin, she is able to create things. However, this uses her energy and thus if she tried to make something too large it has a possibility of draining her and leaving her as an empty shell.[/color] [color=lightgreen]+Skills+[/color] [color=lightblue]~ She is very agile and flexible. ~ She is very good at showing no emotion. ~ Very light and fast on her feet. ~ Excels at Parkour/Free-Running.[/color] [color=lightgreen]+Personality+[/color] [color=lightblue]Most people describe her as cold and indifferent. She hardly ever shows any emotion, except towards Raven. Just as well, she rarely talks however that does not mean she isn't paying attention. Oh she is, she is just choosing to listen and learn rather than participating in the conversation. However, when she is angered she is a force to be reckoned with.[/color] [color=lightgreen]+Bio+[/color] [color=lightblue]She doesn't remember. She simply woke up in Slenderman's Forest with no recollection as to what happened with Raven grinning down at her. She didn't even remember her name so Raven gave her one and she has been his silent companion ever since.[/color] [color=lightgreen]+Outfit+[/color] [color=lightblue]What's in the image.[/color] [color=lightgreen]+Other+[/color] [color=lightblue]Chime and Raven are close like siblings and are very protective of each other. Chime is the only one Raven would ever be serious around. Also, Chime dislikes being touched by anybody that isn't Raven.[/color][/center] [hr] [center][h2][color=red]Sally Williams[/color][/h2] [i][color=pink]"Do you want to play with me?"[/color][/i] [img]http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/098/5/6/__fa__sally_creepypasta_by_expofelementals-d7dlyr2.jpg[/img] [hider=Dark Sally][img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/194/f/4/sally_williams_by_priscellia-d7qghr7.jpg[/img] [color=pink]Her fingernails grow as sharp as talons and she grows fangs.[/color][/hider] [color=pink]Age 8 | Stands at 2'5 and weighs about 50Lbs.[/color] [color=red]+Powers+[/color] [color=pink]~ Blood Manipulation- She has control over her blood and can turn it into a weapon or shield. Just as well, she can control a human's blood and is able to track them with it. Also, she is able to track someone using their blood once she has gotten a taste of it.[/color] [color=red]+Skills+[/color] [color=pink]~ Does being cute count? ~ Stealthy ~ Light on her feet ~ Agile ~ Pickpocketing[/color] [color=red]+Personality+[/color] [color=pink]A bright and happy child, she is normally very bubbly and can almost be seen with a smile on her face when around her friends. However, should she encounter violence or fighting she becomes a completely different person. Dark Sally is the blackness that resides in Sally's soul. She is very psychotic and enjoys inflicting pain. Not to mention insane. As well, Dark Sally appears when she encounters grown men, especially when they touch her. On top of all of this, there is one easy trigger for Dark Sally, saying you don't want to play her game.[/color] [color=red]+Bio+[/color] [color=pink]She goes into panic attacks every time someone asks.[/color] [color=red]+Outfit+[/color] [color=pink]What's in the image.[/color] [color=red]+Theme Song+[/color] [url=https://youtu.be/G-YNNJIe2Vk]Hide and Seek[/url] [color=red]+Other+[/color] [color=pink]Don't touch her teddy. Doesn't like to be called Sal.[/color] [hr] [i]"It's not a game, it's a dangerous thing, waking up ancient history."[/i] [h2][color=lime]Springtrap[/color][/h2] [img]http://img1.ask.fm/assets2/087/737/242/624/normal/golden_freddy_vs_spring_trap_by_kagurachan14d8jqzua.jpg[/img] (One on the right) [color=lime]Stands at 6'0[/color] [color=coral]_Age_[/color] [color=lime]"My age is none of your damn business."[/color] [color=coral]_Powers_[/color] [color=lime]~ Psychosomatic Illusion- The ability to cast a powerful illusion capable of causing physical effects on the target. ~ Paralysis Scream- User is able to emit a scream of such a frequency that immobilizes their target. Side-effects include bleeding from the ears and nose.[/color] [color=coral]_Skills_[/color] [color=lime]~ He is far stronger than he looks ~ He is able to disappear easily ~ He is very stealthy[/color] [color=coral]_Personality_[/color] [color=lime]Foul-tempered, ill-mannered, angered easily, doesn't care about anyone but himself, sadistic, suffers from bouts of insanity.[/color] [color=coral]_Bio_[/color] [color=lime]"Curious are you? Wanna see for yourself? I can't promise you'll still be sane afterwards but curiosity did kill the cat after all."[/color] [hider=The Story That Time Forgot] Johnny William's after raping and murdering his niece, left their little town and moved away. He got a job at a restaurant called Fazbear's. However, he was unable to control himself and his lust came back full force. No one suspected him as the one responsible for the kidnapping and murdering of five children and it was ever so easy hiding the bodies in the suits of the animatronics. But he was unable to stop there. Eventually, after the dinner was under threat of closer, did his deeds come back to haunt him. He had been alone one night when the voices started. He had looked around and gasped at what he saw. It wasn't possible they were alive! He had killed them! The voices of the children he killed drove him mad and he recklessly hid in one of the springlock suits though he knew how dangerous they were. One exhaled breath of relief was all it took for his Hell to be made and his suffering to begin. But he has never forgotten long after he himself was forgotten.[/hider] [color=coral]_Theme Song_[/color] [url=https://youtu.be/TZb3qfEeXN4?list=PLLc6VJ5eQkZBN2yZCy5Aibd-WMhz19fXG]Our Little Horror Story[/url] [color=coral]_Other_[/color] [color=lime]He despises children. They damned him to this eternal Hell and so he is determined to make them suffer along-side him.[/color][/center]