It was apparent that Spirit and Short Round were to remain on standby as the dogfight had quickly begun to come to a close. Heartbreak and a counterattacking Viking has tiled the odds as they launched their own missiles at the mercenary interlopers. Though the Su-37 and the Rafael were not downed, they were however damaged and that much had discouraged the two pilots from participating in the fight any longer, prompting them to bug out. Shame he couldn't join in but with his F-16's machine gun to rely on, there would have been little he could have contributed aside from harassment. [i]"Good job, everyone...We hit 'em hard, and even managed to drive off those mercs. Reckon they'll be back again though, and not before too long now they know we're here too. Sure we'll be busy over the next few days, but keep up what happened today, and it'll all be good, over."[/i] radioed Heartbreak. "Copy, no doubt about that boss." Rodriguez replied over the channel, unwinding a bit from the usual chatter codes he'd normally use while forming up into his original formation position. He then casually focused his attention to Stalin, Charnel, and Viking who unexpectedly got the rough part of the mission when the merc showed up and engaged. In his personal opinion, air-to-air ordinance proved to be a much larger calculating threat than a crude handheld SAM wield by a nervous rebel, and naturally felt concerned for his comrades. "Eagle Flight, how're you holding up? Didn't anticipate such advanced jets to jump in."