I'm scared. I'm very, very scared. For one thing, I'm bleeding rather heavily; for another, I'm in a fight with a crazy person; and for yet another thing, the crazy person just ate her fucking weapon. Holy shit. I don't know whether to be impressed or not. I'm going to go with "somewhat, but mostly drowned out by horror at the situation in general". Yeah, that sounds good. But she's made a huge mistake here. She's standing still, and of all things letting me take a free shot at her. Which I could take... or, I could stall as if scared and take some time to think. Then again, I'm going to stall anyway, so I may as well think my situation over regardless. The biggest problem is, it's me or her: I don't want to kill her, but I know she's going to murder me if I don't, and I don't want to die a lot more than I don't want to kill anyone. With that in mind, let's think about my apparent super-power: shockwaves. Or, if I think about it combined with that flash of insight I had a moment ago, something resembling a shockwave. I'm not convinced that I'd do much of relevance to her if I just did the shockwave thing again, and I only have one shot of it left, if my body's slight aching is correct. Got to figure out what it does, then... it was a shockwave, and hit her very rapidly... ...what if I did it slower, then? Maintaining my distance for the moment, I focus on trying to repeat the shockwave, but slower, not an instant thing; consequently, something similar to the shockwave, more of a dome of translucent energy this time around, begins expanding outward from me, moving out from myself at quite a slow pace... immediately, I'm aware that this is far different to the shockwave in terms of resilience. I'm struck with the utmost confidence, the confidence that this wall of energy hasn't got a chance of being penetrated by any human amount of force she can muster. And the abrupt knowledge that it's not going to last longer than a few seconds... and yet will expand outward for its entire duration. If the earlier shockwave was anything to go by, this wall's going to extend across a huge area relative to the amount of space we're actually fighting in. She'd be limited to quite a small amount of space, if she got caught out and trapped by it... And at that, it occurs to me that a ring-out, simply forcing her off the edge, might be an entirely effective solution. I could do it. I could end her murderous tendencies here and now. Without further ado, I and my expanding barrier charge directly at her, as fast as I can run, my own self emitting a loud, wordless yell the entire time. And let's hope the surprise charge, my momentum, and the barrier's outward movement combined are enough to force her out.