Poppy braced her legs as the carpet shifted under her. Glancing up she realized she was standing across from the pompous man from earlier who had the cards. He took one look at her and dissolved into laughter, falling over he picked himself up and then fell over again. [i]Son of a bitch[/i] Poppy thought gritting her teeth. She glanced down at the knife and stewed on how to best approach the situation. She could go for the knives and try to fuck his shit up with it, but then she had to take in the fact that the stupid bastard could throw god damn sharks. She decided to try another route. Ignoring his question, she put on her best wide-eyed awed expression and shuffled up to him, passing the knives without another glance.[color=bc8dbf] "S-sempai?"[/color] She breathed. When she got his attention she made herself flush. [color=bc8dbf]"W-wow!! I cant believe its you!!" [/color]she fanned her flushed face. [color=bc8dbf]"You're so handsome up close!"[/color] A man that looked like that couldn't not like an extra preen for his feathers, she reached a shy hand out to gently run a finger against the frill of his cravat. looking up at him she fluttered her eyelashes. She wet her lips with her tongue and then parted them to speak. Using this as an opening she grabbed him by the cravat, she wretch back her arm and punched the asshole in his laughing mouth.