The sudden run he took at her, the wordless battle cry, the gamble at her life...Looks like the little bitch that couldn't shoot her in the alleyway was trying to fight for his life. It was an unfortunate moment of puberty, given that she wasn't exactly content with letting him kill her with cheap tricks, above all things. But hey...He wasn't the only one with little tricks up his sleeve, now was he? The demonic being had informed her that everyone had their own ability manifested from their personality, so...Perhaps this was the point where hers came in -- perhaps it was the reason why her stomach continued to churn and churn to no end, digesting and reforging her own weapon on top of what felt like a strange mass in her body. Nothing specific, but...forging itself to be something of the sort...? ...So she backed up, ever-aware of the edge behind her, as the force of that shockwave pushed against her hard to get her moving. Further, further, further, up until the point that she felt her foot touch the edge of the arena. ...Well, there went to a leap of faith in trying to make things even in what he'd made her do, and he didn't want to make things even like a good and honorable guy. It wasn't that she hated the kid, or was mad at him for ignoring her inquiry for his name. It was more of the fact that... [i]She really wanted to kill him.[/i] And as that invisible force pushed her off of the arena, but she wouldn't go down without trying to take him with her at that. [b][i]Settling the score, like The General would. She'd climb out from the depths of this damned place if she needed to.[/i][/b] But here the kid was, and he wasn't even playing fair! What kind of man resorted to pixies and fairy dust against a girl in a death match?! That was just rude! Ruder than rude, she barely caught onto the edge of the carpet and dug her nails in to it to try and keep her grip. Impervious fucking carpets floating in the air, cards turning into sharks, magical fucking wind -- [i]What was this, [b]Alice in Wonderland?[/b][/i] Despite everything, and with her digits particularly hurting from just the edge of that field of sorts he'd created pressed up against them, she couldn't help but be a little aggravated at the circumstances she found herself in- then again, [i]dangling off of Aladdin's carpet looking up at your killer[/i] never was a normal circumstance that she'd think to find herself in. Hell, she was gonna be more settled on hanging on the edge for a moment and catching her breath. It was hard work doing this shit sometimes.