Michael nodded some to the words before sighing, grabbing his phone he dialed his moms number. "Oh thank god where in the world are you!?!" His motheters half crazed voice filled his ear, leaning back in the chair slightly. "On alright back at the mansion don't worry to much I'll stay out of a sight out of mind anyway I need to ask you a favor." He filled in his mother on what was going on, "so you want me Natasha and banner going into the shield building to ask around get some info?" He nodded, "yah that's about it really we just need to know what their up to and what their planning and see how tight security is." Pepper went silent for a few minutes, "alright then I'll do it once I'm off work just be safe." With tht she hung up, "alright that's out of the way she'll let banner and Natasha know what's going on."