[center][h2]Lao Jaximas[/h2][/center] [@ItsToppyTippers] It was amazing what the world could do to a person within a few hours. Before Lao knew it, he was stuck in a game, that if he died, it was over, made a friend, and was finally getting out of his depression. A human was supposed to play with the hand dealt to him, even if it is a bad one. And that is exactly what 10000 players of this game were given, a bad hand. But for Lao, he had to make the best of this hand, and he would make it a good one. Rey had readily accepted his friends and party request, and her health bar appeared under his. Lao recognized it from the guide book, he could monitor her status, as long as they were in the same party. It was pretty amazing to Lao, the interface, the scenery, it all impressed Lao, despite the situation that they had been presented, he was still impressed. Lao glanced up at Rey when she asked of his expression. Should he tell her? How would she react? It sounded like she wanted out quickly, but Lao, not at all. But, in reality, Lao did not care what she thought, it was not in his personality. [i]"I don't have the same goals that you have."[/i] he said, glancing up at the sky. [i]"In fact, I don't have any goals, I wish to stay here, in this game. It serves as any escape from the evils of the real world."[/i] he said despondently, he looked weighed down, as if he was carrying a large object on his shoulders. [i]"But, you have a goal. If so, then it is my goal, I'll assist you in your endeavor to leave this game."[/i] he said grinning back at her. [i]"We should head out, it's gonna take a bit of fighting for us to reach the second floor, I think there's a boss we have to beat or something."[/i] he said, suddenly perking up, as if he forgot all about the previous conversation.