Zeph's Eyebrow betrayed her when it twitched with irritation. It twitched once more when Estella was once again acting aloof to the seriousness of a situation. True it was a dinner but a first impression determines at least the next three encounters. She turned abruptly away from the pair and began to walk towards the dinning area with an overwhelming feeling that she lost the first skirmish in this battle. How could she forget that Estella had already made an impression with the outburst. Well played.... As she escorts the pair to the dinner she talks over her shoulder to Estella. [color=f26522]"I do not keep track of your servants, why would I remember this one?"[/color] While the words are cold the tone was rather disinterested, It was genuine question not an insult. Rather than wait for the answer she stepped into the dinning hall with hardly a moment to spare, and she allowed the door to close. A simple gambit to show her foe that the battle was still young. [@Karamonnom] ---Speech--- Zeph noted the changes in the behavior of the superiors, strange how the men earlier could be spooked so suddenly. Particularly how abrupt the ending was, Zeph stood in quiet contemplation at the numerous reasons of what could have caused such a change. But as she was yanked out of it by the most disgusting crunch... The sound resonated from the uncouth exhibitionist from earlier. His following comment about the food proved her initial thoughts. She stepped just out of striking distance for obvious reasons before letting lose a small retort. [color=f26522]"Given your repeat offences I believe that you are either attempting to quell your nerves or you are absolutely ignorant of how obnoxious you are. I thought it best to inform you now that I dislike you."[/color] Without a second thought she did an about face and began to gather her own meal. [@Scarlettwaters16]