[img]http://oi60.tinypic.com/osu8h5.jpg[/img] Name: Io Evielles Title(s): N/A Gender: Male Age: 18 [hider=Personal Information]Descriptive Appearance: His face is always the same, deadpan expression. [i]Even while he's sleeping[/i]. Personality: Io is always sleepy, resulting in his somewhat lazy mindset. He tends to label most work as "too tiring" despite being able to easily do it, preferring to simply sleep. He's quite disconnected from what goes on around him, either as a result of being too dense or simply too unworldly, though saying that he's both wouldn't be a stretch. His overly sensitive personality is hidden by his unchanging face. He has a tendency to shrink when people talk to him, and seems to be incredibly gynophobic. Io rarely speaks, but his sentences are generally broken and quiet whenever he does; he plain out can't speak in the presence of a woman, much less directly to one. Nonetheless, he shows surprising devotion to people who have been kind to him. Basic Bio: Born in the countryside, Io ambitiously moved to the capital to set up a smithing business. While it was extremely successful for a short while, he suddenly broke when his fiancee died under mysterious circumstances. Following the incident, he became absurdly anthropophobic and his schedule simplified into eat, work, sleep. People, either having heard about what happened or noticing his suddenly gloomy attitude, began avoiding him.[/hider] Skills: Along with being an incredible blacksmith, Io has disturbingly sharp knife skills. He hasn't practiced it lately, but he's also a decent patissier. His ability to bluff and unceremoniously trip on nothing are godlike. Equipment: -Spare clothes -Weapon repair kits -Kitchen knife -Throwing knives -Combat knife -Precision knife -[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vW54lAtldI]Now-this-is-a[/url] knife(joke)