Yea, true! If I'm not gonna modpost, lemme write here a synopsis of what characters have done thus far: [list][*] The fire in the engine room is more or less put out. [*] Throughout the ship there is a stench of smoke, pickles and rotten apples. [*] The beast that had been making all those noises has now vanished. Or maybe it was just Connor all along. [*] The hatch between the Mess and the Engine Room is now open. [*] Chris is hogging all the keys. Except one, which is in Elin's possession. [*] Chris and Christopher are both in the Map Room, with the door open to the Deck. [*] Moss is currently on Deck trying to get everyone to come to her, while Sidwell is at the opposite end trying to get everyone to come down to the Mess. TamTam and Connor are alone with three bodies, a skeleton and a fox. [*] A storm is brewing outside, and a flock of white red-eyed birdlike things is swarming around above the ship. There may or may not be something in the water. The ship is swaying pretty badly, but nobody seems to have any seasickness problems. [*] Check the map on the first page of the OOC for more places to go.[/list] Oh, and [@t2wave] feel free to find some lifeboats. Anything you might logically expect to find, go ahead and find it. :)