Ok; I did Killing Alex, and here is my reply's and thanks to those who have reviewed it. [hider=PlatinumSkink] [@PlatinumSkink] Thank you for taking the time to read it and bother with a review. I see what you are saying and after thinking about it and letting the thought stew, I'm gonna say I agree, and I guess that's partly what I'm here for, to get others to look at my work and say; "That bit there could be done better." so, well, yeah. Thanks. :) Also while I'm here and thinking about it, thanks for your review on Raggle Taggle Gypsy for RPGC 1. :) [/hider] [hider=CaughtInTheRiddle] [@CaughtInTheRiddle] Thank you for choosing mine and taking the time. I will apologize for grammar mistakes, I'm still learning and a bit rushed, although that should probably never be used as an excuse, it is my reason. I completely missed that I had changed from past to present tense, I normally wright first-person, present-tense, when not role-playing, and was juggling working on something else, my guess? I switched from the other one, typed a bit, and switched back, never seeing the tense change. As for her death itself, I could probably have done better, but I certainly intended her to get hit by a car, the challenge I believe was: [i]Write a death scene for your character. Make it unpleasant. No dying peacefully on their death bed, unless that happens to be a particularly bad way for them to go. All deaths are final. Ensure they do not return, and ensure they are not made a martyr of except perhaps against their will.[/i] And I really did have to think for a while, after figuring out my favored character, as to how I would kill her. I had considered having her simply swamped under by MP's and die in Hack, with her body just collapsing dead in the real world, although I do not know what happens if they die in Hack, but every time it just came back to being hit by a car. Technically it was unpleasant, and sure as hell wasn't peacefully on her death bed. And who would make a martyr out of some random kid that became road-kill? It also never said anything about the death having to be dramatic, or amazing, just that we had to kill them. So I killed her, [s][i](And she hates me for it)[/i][/s] and I killed her in a way I felt suited this. I guess that what I am trying to say here is that, yes; I agree it was rushed and messy, but no; I would have still killed her off by being hit by a car. So I'm sorry if Killing Alex was less than enjoyable to you. I will now stop attempting to make excuses for my poor and rushed work and buckle down and accept it. I will keep your review in mind when writing, but won't let it put me off, although I doubt that that was your intention. :) I am [i][b]Not[/b][/i] asking to be reconsidered for winning, I can accept that I didn't, I don't even completely know why I am even writing this, but mostly I guess it is to prove a point that I don't even remember, and I guess to thank you for the review, and to acknowledge the points you made, even if I have to do it in my long-winded, rambling way. Thank you for your time, and sorry if this is long. (Also sorry if I sound rude, I can be a bit prickly when taking criticism, but am attempting to get better.) [/hider] So yeah, now I'm gonna go sulk before attempting the new RPGC challenge, and then you can read even more of my dubious work! :)