[img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/epicrapbattlesofhistory/images/6/6d/Stitch_hi.gif/revision/latest?cb=20150211231427[/img] Hi! I'm Scleroglossa!(named after an evolutionary group of reptiles containing geckos, skinks and legless lizards(no, not snakes)) But you can call me Scler, or Sclero. I'm british, I'm a veteran RPer, I prefer to do 1x1 RP purely because I am -super- paranoid about my writing ability and I don't like my work being out there so much. I have RPed on forums, across skype and even in a few games(Namely GW2 as a prime example) I like Reptiles(obviously) and cats, I'm an introvert, but I like to get to know people! I enjoy gaming, like WAAAAAY too much and thanks to the may 4th steam star wars sales I now have more games to sink time into, but I still use RP as my main method of relaxation and pleasure. If you have any questions I suppose now would be a good time to ask, but yeah! Nice to meet you!