Alright Aurus, how's this? If there's anything you want altered, let me know. [b]Name:[/b] Sebastian Mercusa, academic mage. [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Seb] [center][img][/img][/center] [/hider] [b]Equipment:[/b] - An enchanted crossbow* - A quiver of bolts - A steel mace - A dagger - A backpack and a number of belt pouches full of research notes, fine mechanical tools, and a few camping tools * Enchanted to disrupt energies sustaining undead creatures upon hitting them with bolts. Drops weak undead in one shot. Strong fresh corpses might take an extra one or two. Several to many are required to destroy anything more powerful. Risen dragons or equivalent enemies hit by Seb's bolts will only succeed in angering them. [b]Abilities (Physical / Magical):[/b] - A decent shot with a crossbow. - A deep understanding and control of magic, specialising in unlife and automatons of various forms. - A mind for the mechanical. - Rudimentary understanding of alchemy. He knows a few simple recipes. - Stealthy, quick, and perceptive. [b]Curse Effects:[/b] Before the curse, Sebastian's talent with magic made him a respected member of the academic community. He could cast a slew of simpler spells for convenience and self-defence, but his true power laid with giving life to constructs, some more ethical than others. Golems and homunculi made up most of his work, but he occasionally delved into reanimation of corpses. When one night all of his creations collapsed onto the floor in pieces, one by one, he thought that his colleagues had found out about his secret experiments with necromancy and how the field overlapped with his own automatons. He came upon equal surprise, shock, and relief when he found out that it was the curse that was supressing his magic. The curse has forced him to take up new, more physical skills in lieu of his previous talents. [b]Affiliation:[/b] The Arcane Eye. Being one of the few minds with an understanding of magic, including necromancy, while still being young enough to fight has placed a responsibility on Sebastian's shoulders to find the source of this necromancer's curse and put an end to it. The Arcane Eye had decided to offer him a pardon for his necromantic experiments if he assisted them well enough. In previous years, Seb had a collegiate relationship with the majin, Anu'din. With Anu'din's permission, Seb had studied the mechanical man's workings in research to better understand the nature of sentience in artificial beings as well as the complex magicks surrounding the majin themselves. By chance the task of dealing with the curse had been allocated to them both. Even if the curse prevents Anu'din from properly repairing himself, Seb is familiar enough with his body that small repairs may be made with the right equipment. [b]Personality:[/b] Sebastian is keen-minded, thinks outside the box, is quick enough to duck for cover when needed, graceful as a cat, and probably one of the most knowledgeable sane mages in the arts of false life in its many forms. To experience all of these good points is to put up with him for long enough dealing with the following: Near constant out-loud-thinking when resolving a tricky problem; a certain sensitivity to physical touch, making him very easy to startle; complaints at the expense of even his closest companions; a stuttering lack of confidence when it comes to confronting people bigger than him; and not least, a lack of patience that very quickly results in hair-pulling hysterics on his part, much to the delight of those who would wish to annoy him. All around, if he wasn't so necessary or easily teased, he would probably be kicked out of any adventuring team for being unbearable to work with. His anxieties come from a combination of having to do everything 'the hard way' now that his magic is gone, and finding himself wanting in resilience in the face of impending doom. He's brave enough to save the world, but that doesn't make him any less terrified about it. However, under it all he does appreciate all the help he gets and wouldn't leave his friends behind for his own skin.