Name: "Iron hand" Shujin Moritz Age: 23 Magic: Caster magic – Metal make. Shujin can construct objects made from metal using his hands and magic. Similar to ice make and memory make, he can learn to make certain object from a metal of his choosing. For example, crafting an iron hammer. He has to master certain types of metals before he can use them. He can just about manage all of the basic metals, but the stronger ones are very draining on his magic. (titanium, steel etc). Usually he will craft from iron as it is the easiest to regenerate magic to use. Shujin has learned to craft using alloys too. This allows him to create stronger compounds to make his attacks and defence stronger. An example of this ability is his battle mode. He uses metal make to form a gold-iron alloyed armour set and covers his hair in gold dust to change its colour. This is his battle mode, and is called golden purity. He will only use this when he gets serious. [hider=golden purity] [IMG][/IMG][/hider] His most frequent makes in battle are: hammer, long sword, shield, and scythe. However, he can make anything he chooses. However, if he doesn’t know how to, its form will be weak and easily destroyed. Apart from his magic, he mainly fights in combat using the weapons he crafts, so he is incredibly agile and skilled with metal weapons. The major flaws behind his magic are that the stronger the metal used, the more magic is drained. And the more things he crafts at once, the less stable they are, so the hotter they become. Therefore, eventually, if he continues to craft, the objects will be searing hot. However, he may choose where all of the heat resides. For example, he could craft a sword, but transfer its heat into his armour. Because of this, he usually should battle with a partner, to allow his magic to cool down. Fighting alone means he must be as conservative as possible. Magic Level: A History: Shujin was an orphan, like so many others. Luckily, he was raised by good people in a church. That came to an abrupt end after the arrival of another strange boy. Shujin got through everything, and left the remnants of his home behind, determined to put it behind him. He joined the royal army, where he was enlisted into the magical protection establishment. He was taught some magic, and he made it his own, by learning new spells, putting new twists on them. He finally crafted a style of fighting that suited him. One day, he was promoted, as a major royal wizard. That entailed hunting down big criminals, and bringing them in. If this was not possible, he would kill them without fault. The kingdom had turned him into a glorified bounty hunter, and he knew it. Despite all that, he enjoyed it. Killing was starting to become natural to him. He didn't mind it. Bringing down criminals like them was fine as far as he was aware. Personality: Shujin in normal situations does not overreact to anything. He is not normally known as a trouble maker, and often will get on with work and get jobs done given to in by instruction. However, when anything serious happens, he changes into a completely different person. Confident, but calm, and deathly, therefore in his own mind more powerful. Team Members: none Three Strengths: 1. incredibly agile for dodging attacks 2. emotion isn't a factor in his decisions very often 3. he has absolutely nothing to lose, and will never back down Three Weaknesses: 1. social skills 2. anger problems affect his magic 3. being a man of metal, he doesn't like the rain at all Greatest Love: killing criminals Motivation: making the world a safer place, by taking on the dirty work so citizens don't have to. Appearance: [img][/img]