[hider=Visual][center][img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/203/5/4/nautilus_lol_wallpaper_by_77silentcrow-d7rromi.png[/img][/center][/hider] Name: Nautilus(Not Real Name) Age: 28(Estimated, he has no idea how old he really is) Gender: Male Role on the ship: Fighter Weapon: Anchor & Chain, fists, and whatever he can throw/carry Super Serum Slurry: The massive combination of super serums that were injected into Nautilus has turned him into a monster, in terms of strength and appearance. However this has had the adverse effect of screwing with his head, making his memory terrible The Deep: Whatever it was that stole him away on his ill fated expedition changed him, for better or for worse. He no longer needs to eat or breath and when in times of stress a powerful aura surrounds Nautilus, heralding uncontrollable power that manifests itself in many ways. Unfortunately his sanity is in question and his personality has turned towards melancholic. Appearance: Not even the man himself remembers what he looks like "under the hood". Nautilus is massive, reaching twelve feet tall and as wide as three men. When his mysterious power activates his eyes glow brightly, a burning orange, and the crevices of his suit begin to glow a pale blue. His great size has caused him to be a little clumsy at times but on the fields of battle he has his own kind of grace, nothing refined but smooth and with purpose. Personality: Nautilus is a troubled indevidual. His failing memories scare him and when his accursed powers activate he blacks out, having no memories of what had occurred. Above that he will sometimes fall into melancholy moods where he will be far quieter than usual and wish to hide...not an easy feat really given present company and his size. He doesn't talk much but people are frequently seen venting to him, acting as a living stress ball of sorts. Nautilus has a kind heart and will only give violence if met with it first. Finally when it comes to battle, Nautilus faces all opponents with blank face determination and the ferocity of an ocean storm. Background: Nautilus has always been a... adventurous sort. As a child he would run about and find new things around his town. Rocks, leaves, insects, a cat, and many more. Eventually this curiosity for the unknown left him in the employ of a doctor whose name he cannot remember, as if it has been scrubbed from his mind. The doctor was not the nicest of men however he was no villain, more amoral than anything. Nautilus and the doctor took part in many experiments, most were mundane things like combine these chemicals together or what happens if we put this and that together. However there were many more...exciting experiments going on. It was during on of this more exciting experiments where Nautilus was locked inside his suit. For some reason the Doctor was fascinated by the deep ocean, near to nothing was known about it and everything was new. Unfortunately all tests to go deeper were failures, the pressure was just too powerful. That changed with several developments, a powerful suit and a slurry of body improving serums. The process was agonizing as Nautilus' bones twisted, pulled, and cracked while becoming stronger than steel. His muscles rippled throughout his body, growing huge in both size and strength. In the end he was a behemoth of a man, towering over every person in his little village and he was ready for the suit. On the day of the experiment all went according to plan, until the darkness settled in. Humans have always had a fear of the dark, it is just one of the primal fears that scratch at the back of your head until you leave. Well, this was not dark...it was an absolute absence of light. When something began to tug him deeper Nautilus fell into a panic and thrashed about wildly as something dragged him into the abyss. The chain that held him snapped without any effort. Nautilus does not remember much. When he awoke his sense of self was shattered, he couldn't see, couldn't hear, couldn't feel... all he could do was walk. And walk he did, for months, years, decades, it didn't matter to him. All that mattered was moving forward, swatting or climbing anything that got in his way. Nautilus decayed a bit under the water, not physically but mentally. With no one but himself to speak to he went insane, at least for awhile but that got boring after awhile and so he stopped. The first time he say light it caused a new fear to well up from within him, the fear of the unknown. The darkness had become what he was familiar to, the light was new and scary. The things it allowed him to see frightened him at first but eventually he saw it as a boon, it was much easier to fight what you could see. It wasn't too long until he surfaced, the giant leaving the water scared many people and as such he was always kept several yards away. After several months on land he was surprised to find that speech came easy for him and he was able to regain many of his bearings. Soon after, a restlessness set upon him and he volunteered himself out to whoever would take the giant. Surprisingly he found himself a capable warrior and began to carve a name for himself as reliable muscle. Nautilus came to be hired by Abigail's crew due to an...altercation between his employer and Abigail's crew. The captain seemed like a good man, along with the other crew members, and he paid well. His only condition was to not look in the cargo hold. Being just a hire on, Nautilus never questioned it until Simon's ship attacked. The "good" captain was a slave trader and, when Nautilus found out, flew into a rage. Destroying most of the ship in the process. Luckily Abigail and her crew had saved the slaves before the whole thing went under. Nautilus had turned himself in to Abigail but eventually he was allowed to join the crew due to his rejection of the captain and general kindheartedness.