In a certain city there is a dungeon, created by the gods. A dungeon that constantly grows as you advance floor by floor. It was in this city that the very gods that created it came down to earth to share the experiences of those who journey into it. They give their blessing to the adventurers who have faith in them. Their Familia. Journey new adventurer and bring your Familia to the top The rules are simple 1.) No trolling 2.) No being rude 3.) Keep active 4.) 3 strikes and your out 5.) Be original 6.) Have fun 7.) Oh and any rare skills or magic must be checked with me and have at least one weakness. And your allowed one rare skill and one rare magic Guide to Dungeon: Fall Risen Fall Risen - 04-14-2015, 12:37 AM Here are some explanations for some crucial points in developing your character and the rp: The Dungeon: The dungeon is a magically created labyrinth made by the gods. It is all growing meaning the deeper you go the more floors it will have. Each floor is roughly the same size but in some area's are larger than others due to monsters that live in each floor. Adventures fight the monsters who live in the floors in order to acquire magics stones and item drops which can be sold for currency (Platinum, Gold, Silver, Copper) After Every 5 Floors there is a boss to fight. The Gods/Goddesses: They created this city, and the dungeon within. Now you are able to play as one but you no longer have your godly power. Due to a law that all deities agreed to, they are unable to us their heavenly powers but the skills they had from when they are all powerful stay with them. (EX: Hephaestus is still a god like blacksmith. Freya is still has her otherworldly beauty.) If you play a goddess you are able to use your divine powers in one way. Your blessing to your Familia (PS Genderbending Deities is allowed) Familia's: Familia's are groups of adventures that are under the blessing of one god or goddess. Just as long as a god/goddess has one adventure under their blessing they can have a Familia. Blesssing: A Blessing is what makes an adventurer an adventurer. It is the core of their skills, magic and anything else that involves their status. The blessing will have different effects depending on the adventurer, resulting in different skills and statuses. Though each blessing is different there is usually one thing that connects a familia together whether it be a skill, spell, or stat Status: Your status is a list of all your stats (Strength, speed, agility, etc), race, skills, magics, class(front lines, tank, vanguard, support etc) current level, and experience you gain. A status must constantly be updated by your god/goddess n order to level up and acquire skills. (Magic can be learned by reading a grimiore or by being a certain race or under the protection of a certain God/Goddess) Adventures Information: Name: Age: Level: (1 -10) (level 7 or 8 maximum when making characters. Don't worry you'll still be able to level up) Race:( Human or other) Affiliation: (Your Familia) Equipment: Skills: (Abilities not actual skills) (Describe) Magic: Talents: Class: Personality: Biography: Other: `````````````````````````````````````````````````` ``````````````````````````````````` God/Goddess Information Name: Familia: (Memebers of your Familia) (Update Regularly) Blessing: (What is your blessing) Magic: Talents: (Describe) Class: Personality: Biography: Other: `````````````````````````````````````````````````` ```````````````````````````````````````````` Normal Person Information Name: Age: Occupation: Talents: Personality: Biography Other: