"Send them in." Said the serious voice of Nick Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D, to the agent. The agent confidently strides to the assortment of young new heros. They're just like the old team Bill, thought agent Bill Thompson, just like them. He raised his hands for attention. "Excuse me, but director Fury commands your presences. Follow me, please!" He lead them down the intricate corridors to Fury's office. Finnigan had been leaning on the window until agent Thompson came in. He had his whole life as a hero planned out, save the world, break several hearts and carry out the legacy of his father, Frank Castle. Punisher. He smiled at the memory of his dad, whom was more kind than he appeared. He gave out a gruff sigh as the agent lead them to the office. "'Scuse me agent." He yelled "But I believe we need the privilege of knowing what does Fury want us for!" Thompson's head snapped around. "All will be explained in due time Mr?" Finnigan tipped his fedora "Castle."