[h3]Kagerou[/h3]Hearing her name it took a moment to place the voice. It was rougher than usual. Lifting a hand a water bottle flew to her hand. The girl was going to need water, a good amount of it too. Estella was the one elemental on hand. "[color=plum]Go get Estella please. She is needed at the medical tent.[/color]" Entering the tent Kagerou opened up the bottle and let her drink a little before pulling it back. "[color=plum]Not too much at once.[/color]" Handing it to her she picked up another bottle for good measure. "[color=plum]Estella will be here soon so we can get you into some water.[/color]" [h3]June[/h3]Without thinking she immidiatly responded with a "[color=green]Yes sir.[/color]" The look she received told her to never make that mistake again. Turning she headed to the alien's last location. Thankfully she wasn't the hardest to find with the others around her. Finding to mood rather somber she tried not to be forceful. "[color=green]Miss Parker , you're needed at the medical tent.[/color]" After a brief moment of confusion Estella got up and headed to the tent. So far June hadn't had the greatest of luck with the people here but it was worth a try. Looking at Phoebe, Ryan, and Makoto she decided to speak up. "[color=green]SHIELD is offering a secure facility for everyone to stay it. Kagerou wanted to get some other opinions on the matter.[/color]" [h3]Estella[/h3]When the young woman approached and gave her something to do it was almost a relief. Things with Makoto were not going as smoothly as hoped. She wasn't expecting to see a SHIELD agent though. There wasn't much history between her and them so most of the time they got by. Making her way into the tent she saw Kagerou helping Kassy. "[color=lightsalmon]How can I help?[/color]" Explaining the situation the girl nodded and began to gather water that floated freely above the ground.