Lentus barely had time to fall on one knee to greet father Arabar when the queller of voices already brought swift death to another nonbeliever. He quietly recited. "[i]May the might of Horus follow you always apostle![/i]" He hastily followed his new master on his victorious way towards the ships bridge. As they moved, Lentus checked his stormbolter, this trophy from an Dark Angels lieutenant was still partly refusing its new service in Lentuses hands. AM I NOT WORTHY?! How dare this machine spirit deny the superiority of Lentus Caestus! No, no it was not this glorious guns fault... As Lentus strode along and continued his mumblings, the lights of control consoles were growing more dominant in the distance. They were very close to the bridge now, Lentus felt he would contribute many skulls today for the fiery king who appeared at times in his dreams.