[center]Name: Victor Thor'son Alias: Ozone Age: 19 Parent: Thor and Jane Foster Appearance: [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-_EwrtKJgYs0/U1nVIZy0byI/AAAAAAAABDk/CWDmF3nVJ4M/s1600/Silas.jpg[/img] Costume: [hider=Costume][img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/127/9/2/asgardian_armor_for_skyrim_2_by_zerofrust-d4yt56a.jpg[/img][/hider] Powers: [hider=Powers yo] Asgardian/Elder God/Human Hybrid Physiology: Since Victor's father was Biologically half-Asgardian on Odin's side and half-Elder God on his mother's side; Victor possesses a number of superhuman attributes common among the Asgardian and other gods. However, due to his unique birth, some are considerably more developed than those of the vast majority of his race. Victor's skin, muscle, and bone tissues have several times the density of the same tissues in the body of a human being, contributing to his superhuman weight. He is invulnerable to powerful energy blasts, weighted impacts, falls from great heights, explosions and various other opposing forces. Superhuman Strength: Invulnerability: Being the son of a god whose heritage is both half-Asgardian and half-Elder God affords Victor has virtual invulnerability and immunity to such human ailments as diseases, toxins, poisons, corrosives, fire, electrocution, asphyxiation, and he has a immunity to heat and subzero and lead and radiation poisoning. Superhuman Speed: Victor can move at extreme speeds. He can throw Mjolnir at several times the speed of light. It has been established that the speed of Thor's hammer transcends both time & space. In addition, Victor can visually detect objects that move at fantastic speeds. Victor once stated that he was as fast as the lightning he commands. Victor can twirl his cape so fast that he creates a tornado. Superhuman Stamina: Victor's advanced musculature is considerably more efficient than that of a human and most other Asgardians. His virtually inexhaustible stamina enables him to hold his breath for an undefined period of time, and exert himself at peak capacity for long periods of time without tiring at all. Using the Belt of Strength also doubles his stamina. Superhuman Senses: Victor's superhuman sense's allow him to see objects as far out as the edge of the Solar System, allow him to track objects traveling faster than light, and hear cries from the other side of the planet. Healing Factor: As stated previously, Victor is not invulnerable to all harm and it is possible to injure him. But due to his unique physiology he is able to heal from most injuries much faster than a human being could. This healing factor is said to be much stronger than that of the typical Asgardian God. With the use of Mjolnir, he can also regenerate his clothes. Super Breath: Victor can use his breath to create hurricane force winds Lightning/Electrokinesis: Victor usually uses Mjolnir to channel his storm abilities but he is capable of discharging lightning bolts from his hands. All-Tongue: When Victor speaks with the All-Tongue anyone who hears him will hear him speak their native language in their hearts. [/hider] Bio: Victor was 9 when his father perished, At the request of Odin The boy was sent to Asgard to Learn about their way of life and to be prepared to replace Thor as the holder of The Hammer. He studied hard and trained even harder to become something his father could have been proud of, However Victor wasn't Thor and slowly his devotion and admiration of his father turned to resentment, His heart grew colder than his father's before him and thus Victor became a more efficient warrior. He would have continued down this dark road filled with anger and resentment had Odin not intervened. He sent the boy on a quest and during this quest he discovered his father's past and his love for Midgard. Victor slowly fell in love with earth just as his father before him and at the request of his mother...He decided to stay and fight in Earth's favor. Soon after he was contacted by Fury. Other: While carrying his father's hammer he also has two Asgardian swords on his hips.[/center]