The Naji group stopped once Tetsuya approached them, they weren't afraid of him but they did grip their weapons just in case he tried something stupid. After he stated his attention and who he claimed to be with, the soldiers simply turned to the Kitsune to await her response. She stared at Tetsuya for a few moments before smiling, her magic looking through his body and into his soul to see if he was who he claimed. "He's telling the truth, he is here on Shima business." She said to the men before turning to face the Neko knight, both of them standing at around the same height. [color=fff200]"For whatever reason, the Naji Shogun is a big fan of your Lord. Since he would allow it, I'm allowing you to come with us though any problems you cause will be taken as disrespect from your Lord. Also don't misunderstand my station, the 7th princess is not my Lady and her father is not my Lord. She is my student and for that reason I am acting on behalf of Naji for the time being, but I serve no one but my most honored Grandmother."[/color] With that statement she turned around and began to follow the guards, her heavy tails swaying behind her as the others continued to carry the concealed princess. The journey took them outside of ru into the nearby forest, from there they followed a hidden path until that were on the other side of a very dense wall of trees. There was Ru manor, a much smaller place than the castles and palaces many lords had constructed, while still larger than a normal home it was more spread out and small in height to be easily concealed by trees. The manner grounds were very well polished stone, with training equipment placed all around as well as racks with weapons both battle ready and practice. Where one would normally see servants cleaning instead there were handmaidens training and honing their bodies right alongside the official guards. Everyone was supposed to be capable of fighting even those whose only job was to do Lady Ru's hair, so everyone had to make time to train. Upon seeing the group of guests one exchanged a brief word with the guard before leaving to go get Lady Ru herself. "Wait here, our Lady shall see you shortly. She prefers to meet people out here, where training takes place. " The guard said to the group, informing them that this is as far as they would be going. With that info, the group of men carefully lowered the norimono and both them and all the soldiers dropped to the ground as the curtain was opened. While clans like Shima had seen most of Ryuu Naji's children, the 7th princess hadn't gone on any of the trips with her father to their lands. So all anyone knew was that she was said to be his favorite daughter, and was held to an almost religious regard by the clan itself, some saying her mother was a Kami. From behind the silk curtains stepped out someone much different from the other Naji princesses, younger than the others but more notable wearing more simple clothes more suited for a medium (though modified) instead of the extravagant royal kimonos of her sisters. She stepped out and looked around, before smiling at the Kitsune taller kitsune. [color=f49ac2]"Rii-Sensei, who is that with you?"[/color] She asked the Kitsune woman, tilting her head slightly as she looked at the Neko in mild confusion. He was wearing armor unusual for the region, something she had seen outsiders wear back on her home island and never Nekos wearing such things. [color=fff200]"He is here on behalf of Shima, wanting to speak with Lady Ru like us. He is representing a friend of your father's, so be more polite to him." [/color]Rii's words caused Eri to quickly began to bow rapidly to Tetsuya, not wanting to accidentally make one of her father's friends angry at her and by extension at him. [color=f49ac2]"I'm sorry. I meant no offense!"[/color] [url=][img][/img][/url]