[@AgentFallenSoul] He blushed... He freakin' [i]blushed[/i]! He caught the next grape she threw at him, but, gently wrapping his arm under her knees and around her shoulders, he shifted her off of him, setting her down next to him. He grinned at her and munched on the grape, stating, "Let's not go that far, sweetheart. I still need to get to know ya first. Then we can have a little fun." He winked at her and took another bite out of his apple. He shakes his apple at her and said, his mouth still full, "I may be a flirt, but at least I'm a slightly classy guy." He saw a pretty young thing walking toward one of the guys at another table and he flashed a flirty smile toward her ([@CLIW]) before turning back to Dyana. "Here, why don't we play a version of twenty questions? We each ask a question and both of us have to answer it. Between the two of us. we make up twenty questions. I'll start. What's your middle name? Mine is Curtis." [@MatParker1711] Citrine laughed again and took the sandwhich from Sarah, eating it quickly. She smiled at Sarah before beginning to gather food on her plate, filling it up into a huge mound. "I've never seen this much food before. This is about how much food my brother and I eat in a month, not in one day!" She began shoving her face with potato soup and she smiled again.