[h1]Current Objective[/h1] Get to know your Guardian Beast (also, don't forget to add their profiles to your character sheets) [h3]Current Quest[/h3] The First Assessment. Our heroes will set out into the wilderness on their first task- to kill off a few maddened creatures to maintain the equilibrium of the forest. The students will be separated into teams, lead by a mentor. Tamirlan's team will be: Calette, Lebelont, and Tal Roque's team will be: Altea, Sai, and Jobain Their target creature is: (15) Acalypha Spiders (check Bestiary in Character tab for info) The purpose of this quest is so each mentor can determine where each student is at skill-wise. This will also provide ample opportunity to see how each works with their newly made partner in a group setting.