This was by far the one of the odder 'lesser' tournaments Yoyo had ever been to. Going to these sort of events, or hustling idiots in street fights and bars, was the primary way she had been funding her travels about the world and keeping her belly full. While she was confident in her abilities to win lager more lucrative tourneys she was sort of trying to keep a low profile. Family wasn't exactly fond of the idea of her running off to be a wondering martial artist. They hadn't been super fond of the idea of her taking up the family martial arts to begin with. She didn't want to put her name out there, else her father or grandfather may show up to drag her home. Why they could continue to treat her with kid and not like the proper warrior she was. Anyhow, back to her initial thought. The participant in this tourney were definitely not the normal fair by any stretch. Sure the occasional actual player or odd ball or two had been at the other competitions she had participated in. But for there to be this many odd balls, people showing signs of being above the average martial artist ( or the combination there of ) was highly unusually. She may actually have to take these fights half seriously if she wanted to take home that prize cash. She really needed some zeni in her pocket, another she didn't want to spend the evening nickel and dimeing thugs in arm wrestling contests at a bar or back alley brawls. A wolfish green spread across her fetchers. Then again, it would be nice to have a challenge again. She began to take deep cleansing breaths and focus on the burning fire of the Ki inside of her. She had her own tricks up her sleeve. With an almost predatory smile, she turned bright eyes to the ring to observe the matches remaining before hers with intense interest.