Oh good. More pain, more annoyance. The girl’s skateboard knocked into his legs, causing untold amounts (probably not much) of damage. Victor sighed, for more than one reason. The first was pain. He was sure all the physical contact would at the very least leave a bruise. Well, that might be too optimistic of him. Secondly, the girl was kind of dumb. That much was obvious, anyway. It wasn’t like everyone knew the word clairvoyant, but there were at least a few things to keep in mind. They were in hell. 30 people were split up into pairs on either side of a carpet with a knife in between. Some abyssal demon said that he shouldn’t have to explain anything. It was pretty obvious that it was a battle to the death. The fact that the girl had believed they didn’t have to fight proved that she was at least gullible. Victor muttered quietly in a low voice as he got up to a sitting position. [color=00a99d]“Gramps, give me everything you got on what just happened.”[/color] Victor said. [color=Orange][b]“If I do that, you’ll just get out of this, wouldn’t you?”[/b][/color] His grandpa said nonchalantly. [color=00a99d]“If you don’t tell me, you’ll be in a whole lot of trouble.”[/color] Victor muttered, getting to his feet. [color=00a99d]“I’m sure grandma would love to hear of your… exploits.”[/color] His grandpa visibly shuddered. [color=orange][b]”Fine.”[/b][/color] His grandpa said. [color=orange][b]“Just this onc-”[/b][/color] [color=00a99d]“Do it fast, or I’m dead.”[/color] Victor hissed. [color=00a99d]“Again.”[/color] He’d muttered to his grandpa just quiet enough for the girl not to here, but it would doubtlessly look like he was talking to himself if she was looking at him. That wouldn’t convince her that he wasn’t crazy, but maybe he was. He wouldn’t really lose much if she did, though, so it would be probably be fine. Maybe. [color=00a99d]“Ahem.”[/color] Victor coughed, on his feet. In truth, he was buying time as his grandpa told him the details. [color=orange][b]“Before you fell asleep, a white haired guy threw a shark at a girl. Demon guy explained that you all have powers.”[/b][/color] His grandpa said quickly. [color=00a99d]“Clairvoyance is…”[/color] Victor said, pausing for dramatic effect (and time). [color=orange][b]“Then demon guy said something about a test… I don’t remember, I wasn’t really paying attention.”[/b][/color] His grandpa continued. [color=00a99d]“Let’s just say I can see… stuff.”[/color] vaguely. [color=orange][b]“Then you all got split up into pairs. Gotta say, there’s a lot of interesting ones, kehehe…”[/b][/color] His grandpa said weirdly. [i][color=00a99d]Get your mind out of the damn gutter, old man.[/color][/i] Victor thought, but he didn’t say it out loud. [color=00a99d]“You see, I was asleep, but I could hear stuff. See stuff.”[/color] Victor added quickly. [color=orange][b]“Hoo, yes. Wonderful pairings. Power clashes. Those two will be done soon. This batch is turning out well…”[/b][/color] His grandpa chortled. [color=00a99d][i]Just shut up![/i][/color] Victor thought. He had already found out everything he needed to know. Victor coughed again, setting out the facts in his head. [color=00a99d]“My power is clairvoyance.”[/color] Victor lied. [color=00a99d]“To see stuff, and hear stuff, I can’t normally see.”[/color] He sounded confident, more structured. Hopefully, this would convince the girl that he was telling the truth. Because in all honesty, he had no idea what his power was at all. [color=00a99d]“So I know stuff, like how demon guy said that he shouldn’t have to explain anything.”[/color] Victor said convincingly. [color=00a99d] “A lot of people thought that meant that they had to kill each other to pass the test…”[/color] As Victor said that, a person on some other carpet nearby fell off and smashed into the ground below. His body bloomed into raspberry jam below. [color=00a99d]“But look at it this way…”[/color] Victor said quickly, to keep the girl’s attention. [color=00a99d]“He never actually said that killing the other person would mean you pass, right?”[/color]