[@SheriffLlama] [@karamonnom] "[color=ed145b]Mason! Like the jar? How nice, I like your name Mason.[/color]" Lilith reached her hand out and grasped his, which was large and showed his heavy amounts of labor. She smiled brightly, and her eyes crinkled around the corners. She let go of his hand and adjusted the skirt of her dress, glancing at Estella in the process. "[color=ed145b]So, Estella was wondering if you were a new recruit?[/color]" Lilith lied, trying to get the boy to stop just staring at Estella, and start talking to her. She looked around the lunchroom and started to poke at her food with her fork. "[color=ed145b]How old are you? Because you're very tall.[/color]" She asked, still looking down at her food. She was running out of icebreakers and she was starting to crave her books again. She just wanted to go to her room, because she figured that all they would do for most of the evening is stare at each other.