[@tabbycat][@smarty0114] Lincoln laughed when Paige said that they couldn't be friends. Then Paige said that she was excited for the whole thing, and that she wanted to do it for herself. Lincoln couldn't help but admire her motives. From everything Lincoln so far knows about Paige, he likes everything about her. Her personality is nothing but likeable. When Paige asked told him he should eat all he wants, he completely agreed. She also asked him if he was excited about the year to come. Lincoln postponed the question and regarded the food statement, "Oh yeah! I am going to gain about twenty pounds today. I don't even recognize some of these foods." Lincoln laughed, cutting up some meat on his plate. He took a bite and chewed, and made sure to swallow before talking. Lincoln was raised in a very mannered household. Lincoln set his utensils down and took a swig of water. "I am definitely excited about this. It gives me something to look forward to. To tell my future grandkids. This will add so much variety to my life. My life has been so dull. Doing the same thing over and over again everyday is stupid." Lincoln looked at Paige for a bit after he said this. He looked back down at his full plate, and began eating some mashed potatoes. "So, how is it growing up here? I heard everyone is filthy rich here. I also heard you guys throw away leftovers," Lincoln took another large bite of meat and swallowed, "I even heard from a friend you guys get your own servant. I told him that was absurd." Lincoln laughed a little a looked at Paige. Right after, a boy came up and asked if he could sit down next to them, "Oh, of course, man. Go ahead." Lincoln moved some of his stuff to make room for the boy. The boy seemed really nice, and Lincoln was enjoying all of the new people he was meeting. First day, one new friend, and even a new potential friend. Lincoln was beaming.