[h1]Fujiwara[/h1] Fujiwara let out a sigh, wiping the (nonexistent) sweat off of his brow. Leaving so early had given him a definite lead over everyone else in regards to training grounds... Or so he believed. The fact that nobody else seemed to be cutting through swathes of enemies like he was was probably a good indicator of that, if anything else. The motions for attacks and dodging seems pretty simple too. Slide around, sidestep, swing, slash, slide... This patterns of dodging and hitting was one he was all too familiar with, especially with roguelikes. Though a rogue was the farthest thing he wanted to be given his name, the mobility of the boars was astoundingly low. It made him feel like he was actually fast, though Fujiwara reminded himself multiple times over that this was all in perspective. Maybe he just perceived everything differently in this world. As the last boar of the herd he was killing shattered into crystalline polygons, a small indication came up on his screen... A friend invite from someone he had never heard of, much less met. Without bothering to glance at the second message on the screen, Fujiwara closed the invitation and pulled up the floor map. The nearest town that wasn't the starting location seemed to be quite a ways away... Well, now was a good a time as ever to test how long he could go chopping through these things. [h1]Ayame[/h1] Her worst fears confirmed, Ayame slumped to the floor in apparent defeat. Maybe he didn't make it on...? If that was the case, then she really was alone. Nobody else would come and save her; nobody else would lift her out of this mess. She was a stranger in a strange land, and that was what really made it scary. Or maybe Hideki really did manage to log on, but she just couldn't find him. There was nothing confirming nor denying either argument, so all she could do was try and keep her hopes up. But to feel such depression... Suddenly, a small chime rang out, and a small indicator popped up next to her in her field of vision. A friend invite and a message...? Carefully reading everything out, Ayame breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe there was a chance; maybe there was hope in finding people to help her. "The edge of the Grasslands...?" she asked herself quietly as she accepted the friend request and picked herself off the floor. There was nothing left to lose, so heading over wouldn't be such a bad idea. With that thought in mind, Ayame (after messing with the menus and scrambling to find a map and some equipment in her inventory) began walking to the designated location.