Calette walked into Degar market with her precious item in her hand. It was a beautiful, but old brush that her mother used to use to comb her hair. It was decorated with roses of all colors, that despite its age was not faded. It was very important to her, and she was starting to doubt that she should be doing this if it meant she might have to sacrifice it. But she continued on, following the guards' directions that lead her to a strange pair of men and a terrifying beast. Now she was really starting to regret it. She meekly walked towards them, noticing that many other students were with her and had a similar reaction. The men had already began to collect each of their tokens and when they reached her, she was hesitant to let go. Her fingers slowly removed themselves from the comb handle and all she could do was pray that she made the right choice. She, then waited with everyone else to see what creature would be summoned. "I hope mine isn't as scary as the one that Rogue has," she thought to herself. "If so, I might quit right there and then!" Though she didn't mean it. Still, she was a bit worried about what her future lifelong partner would be like.