[color=fff200] "You're the funniest person I've ever seen."[/color] Poppy was a trembling ball of rage. She knew she was short but for fucks sake! She wasn't a god damn Oompa Loompa!! She was breathing quickly her blood boiling in her ears. She was ready to tear this jerk limb from mother fucking limb. She clinched and unclenched her fist feeling the sting of her knuckle where it had made contact with his pretty colorless face, which now had a shocking splash of vivid red on it. The pain sent chills of pleasure up her spine. The ecstasy distracted her from her rage enough that she could grit out the question that was needling her. Glaring daggers at him she growled between clenched teeth, [color=a187be]"What. The . Fuck. Is. So. Funny?"[/color]. She tried to look menacing while trying not to think about the sad fact that even with him sitting on the ground she was barely standing a head and a half taller than him.(I think thats right? )