Nya expected that Seril would just follow right after her but he, instead, told her that he needed to step out for a smoke. "Oh, uh yeah. Just, uh, find me whenever." She tried not to sound too disappointed that she'd be walking to the dining hall alone. There was no reason for her to be nervous. She knew what to expect from dinner. They parted ways at the end of the hall and Nya headed in to eat. When she reached the dining hall, what seemed like complete chaos was ensuing. Girls were draped over boys, people were complaining about the food, and she couldn't even see if the teachers were in the room. [i]This is absolutely not what I was expecting.[/i] Anytime Codeeva spoke about dinner, Nya was left with visions of an elegant and sophisticated event. But, this wasn't any different than her prep school. [i]How disappointing[/i] she thought. Her stomach growled, reminding her of her intent in being here. She walked over to a table that was currently unoccupied in hopes of being able to survey her environment while she ate. Immediately a group of servers brought her multiple trays excessively filled with every type of food she could think of. She had always wanted to eat her dessert first as a kid but had never been allowed. She immediately dove into a piece of cheesecake and settled in to watch everyone around her.