Appearance: [hider=Armored] [img][/img](Minus the weapon) [/hider] [hider=Unarmored] [img][/img](Minus the weapons) [/hider] Name: Jobain Uthreguard. Age: 19. Gender: Male. Weapon specialty: Great/Tower Shields. Personality: Jobain is friendly and warm always having a smile for most anyone. His temperament is one of caution though if a large threat presents itself you can expect his shield and himself to be one of the first things it meets. He is generally very protective of most everyone who need it whether they know it, or want it, or not. By nature he isn't violent however if that's what it takes to keep people safe its something he is willing to do. Though he is large and strong he rarely thinks of it as anything important, more just a tool to help others. Bio: Jobain was the eldest son to a couple of herders of the plains and has always enjoyed working among the large animals they tended. It was a simple peaceful existence for the most part and he never really thought about doing anything else for quite a long time. However, when the Maw made their presence known it resulted in a massive stampede of the normally docile creatures inhabiting the plains which quickly turned into a massacre as almost no one could stop the tide which was led by a couple of large bulls who seemed to be leading. Jobain's uncle was a Craftknight at one point, retired but he kept his last shield as a memento of his travels, which got the boy thinking and he hefted the virtual wall of metal over his shoulder to help assist in the defense of his home. He wielded the shield more comfortably than one who expect of a mostly untrained, though large and strong, boy and managed to get himself in between one of the lead bulls and other villagers. It charged him and he grounded himself as he stepped into the beast butting head against shield which allowed him to stand his ground and eventually turned the beast with some well aimed bashes and crushing blows helping to save his home and others as well. It wasn't long after that he thought of becoming a Craftknight to continue to help other people which resulting in him getting training and better equipped with a large, tower shield as well as armor to match. He had learned much and intended to put his knowledge and skills to use heading to Degar to join the order so he can stop future attacks. [hider=Bacchus] [img][/img] Bacchus. This fairy-type can shape-shift his hands into either fists or... those things. He does not speak. Despite being a crushing machine he has a gentle side- he enjoys watching nature, quite like an awestruck child. His ice-alignment, however, makes it almost impossible for him to deal with fires (candles are fine- but anything larger agitates him). The vocal noises he makes sounds like stones grinding against one another. [/hider]