[list] [*] [b]Name[/b]: Jason Denarium [*] [b]Age[/b]: 16 [*] [b]Element[/b]: Darkness [*] [b]Feel for element[/b]: "Fuck, it's in the way half the time! I have to be goddamn carful not to sink through my chair when i'm playign some random multi-player game where everything get's really intense. One second I'm about to win the match and the next I'm on the floor! Ugh... Well, It's not [i]ALL[/i] bad... I guess it's pretty handy to hide. Maybe." [*] [b]Appearance[/b]: [url=http://dreamself.me/d/lK0A] Goddamnit I just got through Ravenholm! [/url] [*] [b]Personality[/b]: Not matured fully and cursing like a scotsman, that's for sure. They'll act angry most of the time, courtesy of him still going through puberty and just being a little twat in general. He's also not a people person so this just comes at a really goddamn bad time. [*] [b]History[/b]: Jason was... Ordinary. Like, really bland. You go to school, study for a few hours, go back home and then lock yourself in your room playing League of Legends for a few hours. Of course his mom didn't like that as she thought it lowered his grades, which it kind of did, and the fact he NEVER helped out around the house. ...Pretty much your standard rebel puberty kid. He did hate always having to show up for things, though. Even his birthday. Couldn't people just leave him alone? it's bad enough he's stuck with 20 other kids on most days, but then ADULTS have to bother him too? Blegh. Jason's also not quite sure HOW and WHEN his powers developed, luckily out of eyeshot from anyone though. He toyed around with it to get a better grasp and not sink through his desk when trying to slam his head on it. Not that it helped much. Now though? Oh now he's going to have to go through some shit. And he hates it. [/list]