Vanina smirked, this behavior from young people was quite common to her. She had many a tale of children parading around the soldiers of the Galactic Army while on leave. Most would find them annoying, but Vanina took it as an opportunity to bolster their spirits and presenting the opportunity for recruitment if they so wished to do so down the line. In the lad's case, he looked old enough to begin training in one of the many boot camps; if Vanina was his age, she would have been moving to Li-Ren. “Well, when I was just a child on my home-world I moved to the combat city of Li-Ren. Power in that metropolis is only gained by proving that you can match it, meaning that if you wanted something, you had to dual someone for it. I was able to learn the basics of fighting just by watching the many battles that went on in the streets, and what I didn’t know was beaten into me every time I made a mistake. Eventually I found a master that I trained under to refine my hand to hand skills, and he even taught me a thing or two about using these…” Like instinct, Vanina pulled two very large knives that were sheathed on her back. These serrated blades gleamed brightly in the light, and gave the dark blue metal that it was made from a certain radiance and regality. “These are knives made by a very talented smithy named Vanamra. He was brave enough to venture to the surface in order to obtain the Dedronite it took to make these, and he was smart enough to get past the Giga Beasts that plague our open landscapes. These blades are good enough to kill anything that moves, if inserted in the right organ…” The woman before the boy had seemingly slipped herself into a trance as she twisted and turned the knife in her grip, studying it like one would a book for an exam. It only came to her now that she might have gone a bit overboard with her explanations, and quickly snapped out of what had come over her. Quickly returning the Dedronite blades back to their respective homes, Vanina finished her spiel with one final remark. “After many years in Li-Ren I decided to travel the galaxy and join the PTO’s Galactic Army. I received more training under them, both physically and mentally. You know, combat tactics and the like.”