The Princess stayed silent as she hesitantly followed Wilhelm to his seat. He mused silently as to why that was. Was she trying to preserve her dignity before the assembled, Drakken and Gem alike? Or was her stubborn pride to blame? Truthfully, it did not matter to him. He had claimed her and none had contested it, and that was all that mattered. Every wife he had taken for himself in his lifetime had come to be his in every sense of the word; Princess Annayeva would be no different. The only thing he required was time. If anything, her attempt at spite in silence only amused him. The defiant ones were always the most intriguing to take. Kithra, on the other hand, sought to find her own strength by dispelling the uncertainty surrounding her fate. It was a valid inquiry, given that his discussion with her had been so rudely interrupted. And it was quite unusual for a Drakken to take a Gem as a serving girl rather than a bride. If nothing else, she was owed an explanation. [color=ed1c24][b]"You will be attendant to her, yes, but also to my other wives. You see, I am different from most Drakken in many ways, but the one that most concerns the two of you is this; rather than take a multitude of brides like the blowhards and braggarts you might see over there, I keep only three wives at any one time. I find that it is much easier to manage my house as such, and it allows me to give each of them the attention and care that they deserve. Unfortunately, one of them recently passed away- a lovely little country girl by the name of Alexandra. This is why I have come to the selection. Annyeva will be taking her place in my home, as is customary for me. However, there was something about you that caught my eye, and it seemed a shame to see whatever it was consumed by one of the dogs. But I digress."[/b][/color] He spoke in a calm, relaxed manner as he answered the question. If either of the girls were expecting threats, mockery, or some other display of dominance, they would be surprised by its absence. Wilhelm the Black did not partake in such things; he spoke matter-of-factly in all things, and allowed the image of him formed in the minds of others to perform all acts of intimidation for him. [color=ed1c24][b]"When we reach the manor, I will see to it that you are taken under the wing of one of the other attendants, at first. In their tutelage, you will learn the functions of my house as well as the methods of care for my wives. Once you have been appropriately educated, you will continue in your mentor's stead while they take on separate duties. Anything further?"[/b][/color] [@Feisty-Pants] [@my Lalia]