[@Ostarion] --- "That would be a favourable outcome," admitted the noble young man, brushing a few strands of his flaxen blonde hair away from his eyes. "However, I am uncertain to whether or not our gracious hosts would accept it." They had been brought to this dangerous arena under the intention that they would combat each other. No, the gleaming blade of the beautiful knife near him was testament to the true purpose. They were to commit an act of murder here in the depths of the underworld, and though it was a truly terrifying prospect for young Liudolf, he could not see any other option that the powerful demonic forces likely responsible for their situation would entertain. It was not the way of his family to lower themselves to such baser instincts, to become killers in a strange test that would seemingly decide their fates in this Hell. But what other logical choice was there? His opponent appeared to be giving up in the face of such a choice. But what was his decision? In what manner would the young Tegerfelden scion act? Could he kill the other for the purposes of this test? He did not know.