So awhile ago *I mean a looooooooooong while ago* I made an RP called Myth Academy, which followed the school lives of various mythical and legendary beings in a giant academy. But then it died, as RP's invariably do. But, the folks involved all seemed to have a really good time, I know I did, and it was very fun despite the short lifespan it had. There were a lot of wonderful people with great characters and some awesome interactions. So I'm rekindling it, but with some modifications. Who would be interested in a more relaxed RP that focuses on interpersonal character dynamics and relationships *I always encourage romances heavily* that, while not set in a school, is set instead in a small, modern day town that has a diverse mix of creatures from myth, folklore, and legends, such as centaurs, sirens, oni, dullahans, basically any kind of folklore or mythic beast that you can think of that isn't some cosmic horror. I will allow vampires, but I tend to restrict them heavily to the popularized concept of sun burns exposed skin, you need blood to survive, you are sterile, no reflections, garlic is beyond repulsive, and you must sleep in a coffin. This is mostly because there's about 800 different versions of vamps and invariably an argument will spring up about SOMETHING with them, so this is entirely for simplicity sake. Since the focus would be on character relationships, you would be expected to set goals for your character, be it find true love, overcome their past, become the best *insert job here* or whatever. Obviously, whenever you choose to remove an over arcing plot for such a free roam idea, the pace will be set by the players. So this would be a more laid back, slower paced RP that focuses on character interaction. That means: - No heavy combat *I won't say no fighting, because who knows, some of us may get into brawls from heated arguments or rivalries, but the focus of the RP would not be combat based* - No evil, insane, or sadistic characters. You can be dark, gruff, maybe even mean spirited, but you aren't a villain. - The players will be setting their own goals. Meaning your character should have a drive, passion, or reason for being there. Not having a focus or direction generally means your character will be exceedingly hard to write for or that you'll have no reason to get involved. There will be town events, things that occur from time to time that your characters may wish to participate in *or potentially be forced to participate in, depending on the event* to help give impetus. I would like a somewhat larger group, mostly because I know a lot of people tend to drop out due to life and responsibility, but also because this particular type of RP works well with more people, mostly due to giving you so many different wonderful personalities to interact with. So, thoughts?