[color=9966CC]"Why else would I be here?"[/color] Of course the number of potential answers to that were endless but thinking of any plausible answers was harder. Why would the daughter of a malevolent god who had once tried to claim the realm as his own choose to defend it? She didn't flinch under his gaze, looking straight back at him. So much like his father, but Thor was dead and to so willingly dismiss his suspicions did not bode well for Victor either. And then a teammate - that would take some getting used to - strolled over, spouting peace. Looking him over quickly Kat smirked. [color=9966CC]"Do not fret, just a little history to settle."[/color] Before she could say anymore the door opened, drawing her attention to the impressive, though older, figure. [i]Heroes.[/i] They were not all heroes here. Probably not something to voice in current company however, so she remained silent even though most may agree with her. Was he still staring? It wasn't a situation she was unfamiliar with, increasingly so on Midgard, but they were strangers. This could be potentially very useful, or a huge pain; either way it was something to keep careful watch of. With a quick glance back to Victor she walked through the door with the rest.