[color=DarkMagenta][centre][h1]The [i]Victus[/i] Chronicles[/h1][sup][h3]Featuring [@Jyoliod] [i]&[/i] [@Stern Algorithm][/h3][/sup][/centre][/color] [color=BlueViolet][indent][h3]Welcome[/h3] [indent]Greetings, greetings, I am Jyoliod (Soft 'J' fyi) your GM for this little adventure, a role I take very seriously. But in saying that, I do not view a Game Master as a synonym of 'Overlord' or [i]'The guy with the gun, so do what he says!'[/i] but as a title that commands a certain degree of dedication and effort from it. That said, my goal here is to produce a fun and engaging story equally with you, while trying to ensuring all criticisms, suggestions, ideas and questions are properly addressed, discussed and put into effect! To that length, I not only encourage these things but highly enjoy their arrival, no matter how minor, a question asked now no matter how minor, does not become a problem later. That's my motto, well one of them. With that said, let's move on to more important matters. You are about to embark on a story whose underlying values will include story progression, character development and the Victus Magic System. The path laid out before you is one of infinite possibilities and where it leads is a mystery, whether that mystery is a series of harrowing secrets or fruitful knowledge, I've no bloody clue, but what I do know for sure is that the adventure will be an experience unlike any other, as we plunge into the Victus Magic System I hope you do your best to enjoy the system but also test the bounds! That said, if we find any gaping holes in the system, expect to be ready to implement 'band aids', little 'hazy' areas of our story aimed at 'covering a hole' and moving on with the fun![/indent][/indent] [/color] [color=DarkOrchid][indent][h3]Arc Vault[/h3] [indent]This little Missy is my bread and butter, here we'll store any current proposed story ideas as 'arcs' that have a well defined plot problem and goal. How we go about interacting with the proposed problem and achieving the goal is up to us as players! But I do hope that you do not hesitate from filling her up with new ideas when you get some![/indent][/indent][/color][hr][hider=Arc Vault][color=9966CC][h3]Arc Vault[/h3][i]A rickety creek resonates from her hinges as a large room whose walls are covered in glowing runes is laid out before you. There are so many runes it'd be impossible to count, however, as you take slow and simple strides into the room something unusual happens. Several of the runes flicker to life and rush into one another, as if several black holes had formed and were selectively drawing specific runes to their positions. Moments later the first clump 'poofs' into a golden scroll, drifting through the empty room, not long after several others form from the other clumps of runes. Each drifting around the room they bare their contents in your direction, eager to be absorbed by your eyes.[/i][/color] [hider=Hunting Ground][color=B22222][h3]Hunting Ground[/h3][/color] [i]This one is more action driven and should be done once some initial development has happened, allowing the characters somewhat competent use of basic Victus magic.[/i] [color=CD5C5C]A three part arc that follows the events of some grizzly slayings believed to be bear attacks. However, one of the victims was found to have been raped after their murder, this piece of information is kept from the public but rumours spread through-out the local community regarding these cases. Meanwhile our characters sense an odd and vile feeling present in the essent of the areas of the crimes, believing the incidents to be Victus in nature, the players become motivated to find out what is going one. Whether through a sense of duty, to sate their curiosity or to experience all that Victus has to offer them, they start to venture towards a grizzly corner of Vull. Part One: Slayer Quest; through use of a ritual the players manage to track down a handful of the creatures causing the damage, what they do next is up to them, but one thing is clear; one way or another, something has to be done about these creatures. Part Two: Invasion; following the scent of a wounded creature the players stumble across the source of these creatures. A den that is the centre of a rift layer. The den remained unfound for so long due to it's essent nature causing it to be blind to the senses of all those not attuned to essent. Now that the players have found this vile source, what will they do to end it's occupants from invading the local area? Part Three: Demigod; following the execution of their plans the players are suddenly confronted with a mysterious and intimidating force, the force puts unto them an interesting message before making an offer to them. Depending on the players actions up to this point, the offer made may be different to what I could have been. The players must make a choice, and their choice will not be an easy one.[/color] [/hider] [hider=A Familiar Meadow][color=B22222][h3]A Familiar Meadow[/h3][/color] [color=CD5C5C]A single part arc geared towards establishing concept connections for players and good for character development. The players hear rumour (alternatively, already know of) an old abandoned manor presumed by most to be haunted. Even many adults who have visited the location, often on the gauze of a dare in their teenage years, speak of the locations harrowing sounds and the feeling of eyes peering unto them. Whether through a dare or due to curiosity offered by one of the players, they decide to investigate the area, what they stumble across is a rift layer teeming with life of all kinds, spanning several layers in all directions of the axis' this rift layer has developed an eco system all of it's own. This location serves as an invaluable source of knowledge in regards to Victus life, and what the players come to learn the hard way is that sometimes that life is stubborn. As the players ask themselves whether it is possible to domesticate Victus creatures, they find their efforts to see how they'd react to 'hand feeding' them has caused the [i]players[/i] to end up becoming the targets of domestication. Now the players must deal with a new kind of hardship as unusual albeit somewhat peaceful creatures start to venture the physical world in their local area, causing many locals to believe that a bad omen has claimed their quaint little town. What will the players do to remedy this? Can a Victus creature really be domesticated? and how do their lives differ to that of usual animals? Finally, what could possibly be the cause of such a large and stable rift layer?[/color] [/hider] [hider=Heroes of a Lost World][color=B22222][h3]Heroes of a Lost World[/h3][/color] [color=CD5C5C]A long arc series designed to take place after much initial character development, I will not dive into this one [i]too[/i] much just yet, but a mysterious colossal force has been shifting through the layers of essent within Vull, causing several Victus creatures to find their way into the Equilibrium as safe refuge, chaos and panic ensues as the creatures do their best to survive in their new environments while conflicting with human beings. The problem becomes so large that special task forces are established to eradicate the creatures. Players, either compelled by a sense of justice, egotism, empathy or other personal reason, take to the streets in masks using their Victus powers to manipulate the creatures away from the Equilibrium while trying to promote a peaceful way of dealing with the creatures. Their acts triggers a series of events that leads to the formation of several government issued task forces all over the world, many of whom in direct opposition of one another. Meanwhile the players hope to strike at this issue right at the source, their investigation into the matter is an enlightening one as relics of a past forgotten are dug up, key figures are met and lost and the world begins it's approach into an era of history that'll be forever known as the "Victus Awakening".[/color] [/hider] [hider=Finding Life in Death and Death in Death][color=B22222][h3]Finding Life in Death and Death in Death[/h3][/color] [color=CD5C5C]Intended as the players first proper introduction to hybrid properties, this arc is not intended until some basic knowledge has been well understood. This arc delves into the idea of life and death and seeks to establish some VMS perceptions of the after life and just what may be waiting for those who die, the result although enlightening, may not be quite what they expected. Strange forces are met and entertained and an offer will be considered, how this arc unfolds could change everything or it could change nothing. What is sure, however, is that perception is a very powerful thing.[/color] [/hider][/hider][hr] [color=MediumOrchid][indent][h3]Arc Table[/h3] [indent]This baby is where current and past arcs are collected, it is the start and the end of their pilgrimage into the story by way of our hand. So to refresh yourself on what has happened and what our current goal is, look no further than the Arc Table. The arcs will be organized from newest to oldest, making the top most arc the 'recent' or 'current' arc and the bottom most arc the oldest(additionally, the first) arc.[/indent][/indent][/color][hr][hider=Arc Table][color=Orchid][i]As your curious eyes wonder the once empty room, gazing from goldren glowing scroll to the next, you notice an dark brown wooden desk at the back of the room, 'was it always there?'. Moving closer to the table you notice something on it, it's contents seems to let of an intense golden glow just as the scrolls that drifted around you now did.[/i][/color] [hider=The Scribe Grimoire][color=B22222][h3]The Scribe Grimoire[/h3][/color] [color=CD5C5C]Possibly the event that starts our scholars on their Victus infused path and more of a prologue rather than an arc; four students attending the same high-school receive a parchment each of a mysterious character drawn in thick black ink while a fifth student receives a parchment of a pentagram in a circle with a note. Etched in black ink the note with the parchment reads 'Gaze of the new world, your life has begun, open the gate and mine you will become.' The unusual nature of this message causes the fifth student to investigate, gathering the other four students they ask that the four humour them in standing at the corners of the shape on his parchment, as the fifth student wonders into the centre of the [i]ritual[/i] what the other four students are faced with next is a life changing and harrowing event that will change their futures for ever and signal the true beginning of what will eventually come to be known the era of the 'Victus Awakening'. Note: That last bit is only relevant if we choose to use the 'Heroes of a Lost World' arc.[/color] [/hider][/hider][hr] [color=Thistle][indent][h3]Journey's Start[/h3] [indent]Before our adventure begins, there is some [u][b]vital pieces of information[/b][/u] you should keep in mind before creating your character sheet! That is that the current arc, [b][Scribe's Grimoire][/b] is built as a prelude arc, because of this when we achieve the goal of this arc, there will be a time gap in the story of one year! Additionally, the characters will never have experienced anything magical in nature before the end of this prelude arc, unless otherwise detailed and accepted by me in your CS. These are things you should keep in mind when writing your character sheet, especially in regards to [b]age[/b] and [b]bio[/b]. Additionally, as this is a prelude arc designed to introduce our characters into the world of magic, it might be worth using this prelude to build a little background for your character in regards to how 'normal' their life may be. Although this is a very short arc, there is no need to rush! A path will be laid out for you to follow at your pleasure, anything that does not indicate the following of this path serves only to extend the prelude, but that is by no means a bad thing. Just take your time and have fun![/indent][/indent][/color] [h3]Character Sheet[/h3] Please copy and paste what is written bellow, replace the parenthesis and their content with your own information, yadda, yadda, yadda, you know the run of things! [noparse][b]Character Sheet[/b][sup][VICTUS STYLE][/sup] [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] (First and Last, middle name aswell if your character has one.) [b][u]Nick Name:[/u][/b] (What do your friends and family call you colloquially?) [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] (Keep the above information in mind, additionally, ensure it is a high-school range age.) [b][u]Gender:[/u][/b] (Either Male or Female, I'm not good with buzzwords.) [b][u]Appearance/Physical:[/u][/b] (The stuff you can't change, figure, height, skin tone, hair style, ect.) [b][u]Appearance/Attire:[/u][/b] (When not in a uniform or formal wear, what specific or type of clothing can you be seen wearing?) [b][u]Bio:[/u][/b] (Take some time to help me get to know your character, what is [value:NAME] like in their day to day life?) [b][u]History:[/u][/b] (What events have lead to the [value:NAME] described above? Is there anything unusual about [value:NAME]'s history?) [b][u]Weaknesses:[/u][/b] (What are some of the areas this character can grow in? Do they have a crippling weakness of any kind or a phobia?) [b][u]Strengths:[/u][/b] (Are there any ways this character might be able to carry the weight of others? Are they athletic and have high stamina, or maybe they house an unshakable will when faced by the unknown!) [/noparse] Note: Weaknesses and Strengths are optional fields if you'd prefer that they be expressed in the RP, additionally, I will not treat them as if they are written in stone, if I see something contradictory, I will just assume you are taking a new direction or you have justified this action from the perspective of your character some how. Essentially I do not put much weight into these two fields, they are just to help give the other player a better grasp of possible development paths and how each character will view certain challenges put before them.