As Tamirlan collected the tokens, Roque sized up the students from where he stood. He found that they were every bit what he expected- green, naive, and meek. Although, of course, they were much too quiet to judge any further than this. Seeing them gathered like this, however, made him feel nostalgic- and soon memories from what seemed a lifetime ago glazed over his minds eye. Was he as scrawny as these kids back then? Hell, he probably was, and a head shorter too. By his side Carthanach stirred, opening his eyes and looking lazily over at the assembling students before him. The hyena clawed at his nose before closing his eyes once more. The summoner looked down at the precious items in his hands- a comb, a ring, a coin, a silver emblem, a necklace, and a broken dagger- all very lovely and very unique in their own respect. He smiled, beginning to concentrate on the items that overflowed in his hands. One by one each began to glow and then form into small balls of light that hovered above his palms, "Now. I'll ask a few questions. You simply have to think of your answers and they will channel into these orbs here. Once I am done- step back- because we have no idea what might appear, alright?" Once he received the nods of approval from the waiting students Tamirlan began to ask, "What is the most important thing to a craftknight?" A pause. Each orb pulsed as their respective owners answered in their heads. "In battle- do you rely more on your skill or your weapon?" Roque crouched beside his beast and stroked the coarse fur that crowned the top of his head. He remembered his token- it was the tooth of the beast that took his leg. As the craftknight stood once more, a soft click came from his prosthetic leg, a simple yet surprisingly advanced replacement made up of gears and ivory. "Think of someone whom you admire- what is it about them that you admire so much?" Continued Tamirlan, "And finally- what does love mean to you?" The orbs were seemingly ready to burst. The summoner could sense- almost hear- the voices of the summon beasts within. He wondered if he could see them- but of course this was not possible until the beasts chose to reveal themselves. Quickly, he tossed the orbs forward- which dropped only to float inches above the ground in front of their respective owners. One by one they began to morph and shape into the Guardian Beasts that they would soon be.