[quote][@Ogobrogo] [color=f7941d]“Fuck off, Mufasa.”[/color] Graham loosed a mocking laugh which turned genuine after a moment. He was got. Well done, bro. [color=f7941d]“Now c’mon, man. We should probably find the other dude. Guy’s probably all lost and confused...like a uh...like a lost puppy. Chop chop, off your ass and on your feet. Let’s go get our pet.”[/color][/quote] [h1][color=sandybrown][center]Scorpio McRae[/center][/color][/h1] [center][color=sandybrown]"Oh shut it, lad."[/color] But he was grinning as he got up and tossed the pillow onto the bed.[color=sandybrown] "Mufasa, graham, I'm getting older by the minute."[/color][/center]