[@Tuujaimaa] Kaiko no Fuujin [Wind God’s Dismissal] - I need to know the scope of the gust. How large and how far can it reach? Namida no Fuujin [Tears of the Wind God] - Blast radius should probably be reduced unless the explosive force isn't significant. Kamikaze no Fuujin: Hayate [Wind God’s Divine Whirlwind: Hurricane] - Needs definition outside of it's universe. Duration is also needed. Keibetsu no Fuujin [Wind God’s Contempt] - Scope is also needed, aside from range. How big of a gale is it? Akishimo no Gishiki [Rite of Frostfall] - Needs a duration if it is not channeled. --- Just generally make sure the size of some of the winds are described. Adjust and I'll re review.