After some time, Kalib thought it would be a good idea to head back to the apartments. Things were starting to wind down and it didn't look like there was any important omega things to do. He left money paying for his drinks and an extra tip for the commotion they had caused at the pub. "There goes the rest of my salary this week." He mumbled, a little pouty that he didn't spend it on other things. Rolling down his sweater sleeves as he stepped outside, he noticed the intermingling scents of his fellow pack members heading somewhere. [i]"Is that towards. . .Nah, they can't be there."[/i] As much as the night was dull, Kalib wasn't sure if he wanted to head in the direction of quarrelsome girls and get himself involved in whatever violent thing they were likely doing. Yet the thought still lingered in his mind. Should he go investigate even if it meant getting into or having to break up a fight?