He had watched the matches so far but it was clear his mind was elsewhere until the very moment the announcer called his name. Daishin moved from the corner he had been standing in and made his way to the arena. The monochrome hared teen didn't hear his opponents name but quite frankly he didn't care for anything other than winning the tournament and getting back to his search. He wasn't entirely confident in his fighting skills but he had been sure a small competition like this one would be a cinch. But now...there were some strange fighters here and they weren't pushovers. [color=lightslategray]"Heh...strange huh? I guess I can't say I'm all that normal now either..."[/color] He muttered into his scarf as he stepped into the arena. 'The Tornado' was waiting for him flexing for the crowd and throwing punches around showing off how fast he was. He noticed his opponent step into the square and laughed. "Really, I'm supposed to fight this upstart? He looks like his voice will crack when I hit him! Hahaha!" Daishin just looked at him or rather through him. Tornado wasn't even registering the cocky man. As far as he was concerned he was just another obstacle trying to slow him down. [color=lightslategray]"Are you really that confident? Let's see if you [b]can[/b] hit me."[/color] The markings on Daishin's face began to glow and his eyes became almost as incandescent. "Alright ladies and gentlemen, now that out fighters have gotten their banter out of the let's begin! Ready, FIGHT!" Tornado started to charge towards Daishin only to stop dead after two steps. Right now he was the only one seeing it but the huge winged presence looming behind his young opponent was daunting. "You're all talk!" When Tornado came back to his senses Daishin was already closing in. [i]This kids fast! But such a forward attack ain't gonna work on The Tornado![/i] The Tornado wasn't an amateur and threw a punch as Daishin moved in. A perfect counter...or so he thought. Daishin was prepared having lured him into a wide and heavy punch increasing his speed just a bit more to move past the swing and under, bringing his knee hard to Tornado's stomach causing him to fold over with strained gasp cut short by a sharp pain in his back as Daishin drove his elbow into it and sent him to the ground. "I-Incredible! With a devastating combination Daishin has taken the with out of The Tornado! I don't think he's getting up after that one folks!" Daishin was sure he could beat this guy but he wasn't cocky and knew that Tornado wasn't done just yet. "Oh! Looks like The Tornado is still in it!" Just as Daishin thought Tornado stood holding his stomach with an angry sneer. "Alright kid I underestimated you but now you're in for it! Now you got The Tornado spinning!" Tornado started to work some fancy foot work and soon he was spinning wildly, almost exactly like a tornado. [color=lightslategray]"So this is why you call yourself Tornado?"[/color] Daishin inquired as he took his stance. Tornado laughed as he spun. "You like it? Using this specific movement of my feet I can spin and have full control of my body! Now you won't even be able to touch me but this time I'll definitely hit you!" His voice warped by the spinning Tornado started to throw rapid punches creating a tornado of fists. "Amazing! The Tornado is pulling out his trump card. What will young Daishin do now!?" Daishin smirked. [color=lightslategray]"I'll admit it's not a bad technique. It'd be hard for most to get past your wall of attacks..."[/color] Suddenly he dashed forward and hopped up finding footing within the tornado on one of the fists and using it to jump up even higher, above the whirling barrage. [color=lightslategray]"But I'm not most and I know that eye of the any storm is safe!"[/color] Flipping, Daishin dropped down through the middle of the twister and bringing his heel in contact with Tornado's collar bone. Tornado's spinning instantly stopped. Daishin vaulted back off of Tornado's shoulder and was ready to charge forward to end it. When he looked up after landing he saw a fist inches from his face. His eyes widened. Tornado had ignored the pain of his cracked collar bone and rushed to try to and land at least one hit on Daishin. At that moment Daishin hadn't fully gained his balance after landing and had no time to block. [color=lightslategray][i]"Heh...strange huh? I guess I can't say I'm all that normal now either..."[/i][/color] Daishin opened his mouth and all Tornado could hear was a roaring before he felt himself being hit by a wall of pressure, sending him flying out of the ring. Daishin was left in the square panting slightly yet completely still just as the crowd was. "U-Uh, ring out! The Tornado loses! Daishin is the winner!" As the crowd started to cheer Daishing walked over to Tornado. "What the hell was that?" He groaned. [color=lightslategray]"Hey, sorry if I came off as arrogant. You really surprised me with that last attack. It was fun."[/color] Tornado looked up to see Daishin offering him a hand though looking away bashfully. Tornado smiled and took the offer. "You're not so bad kid. Though since you beat me you better win this thing." Daishin just nodded and they shook hands. "Look at that folks. How's that for sportsmanship!" Daishin went back into the waiting and sunk down one of the bench's. [color=lightslategray][i]I already had to rely on that...I'm still not ready to face that person.[/i][/color]