Name: Gwendelyn Foster (prefers to be called Gwen) Age: 18 Element: Light Feel for element: Gwen doesn't necessary like or dislike her element. She just feels that she is unsuitable or undeserving of it. She has suffered too much and feels her soul is too dark for her to be light. Appearance: Gwen is 5"6, has long black hair with blonde highlights and green, piercing eyes. She has a tattoo of the name, "Charlie" on her right arm but she won't tell anyone why she got it. She is pretty slim overall, has long arms and legs though they aren't without scars. Personality: Gwen has a sharp-tongue and is easy to anger. She finds it extremely hard to control her emotions, and regrets that she is no longer the 'bright, happy little girl she once was'. She considers herself a survivor and thinks that she only does selfish things that benefit her. However, she fails to realize that despite her past sufferings, out of everyone she has the most hope and her selflessness does reveal itself. She just needs to learn and accept that. History: [hider=It's kind of dark...] Gwen used to have a normal family life. Her parents were happy and showered her with love and affection. During this time, she developed a knack for arts such as drawing and music. Things changed when her new baby brother was born when she was eight. There were complications in the birthing process, things that Gwen didn't understand. All she knew was that her brother, named Charles, was alive and her mother was not. At first all her father could do was mourn and mope around. He lost the love of his life, but that forced Gwen to be the one to take care of Charles. Gwen didn't mind though, she took care of him and made sure he was okay. Then her father started drinking, and they lost all of their money for him to pay for his addiction. Next, he started gambling in attempt to win some of it back. But instead, he just kept losing more and more money. He started to blame Charles for this. Because of his birth, his wife had to die. Charles was only three years old when his own father beat him to death. Gwen tried to stop him but she herself got beat in the process, until she became unconscious. And when she woke up, her baby brother was dead. Her father still had a lot of blind rage in him even after Charles death, and started to beat Gwen as well, leaving her with scars everywhere. He even raped her because she reminded him of his wife who had already passed on. She was dirtied and soiled. Eventually, her father died of liver cancer due to his alcohol problem and she was free of him, but not free from the suffering he made her go through. She discovered her powers a few years back when she broke her ankle. When she grabbed it due to the pain, she felt a warm light that came from her own hands. Soon, it was fully healed to her surprise. Despite her miraculous discovery, she couldn't help but be angry by the irony. Where was this power when she needed it? [/hider]