Calette was awed by the beauty of the light orbs. Her palms began to get sweaty, and she began to answer in her mind the questions the Summoner has asked. [b]"What is the most important thing to a Craftknight?"[/b] Why did she want to become a Craftknight in the first place? She wished she had a more heroic reason than simply because she had a fascination with swords. She could say she desired to make something of her own, but what [b]is[/b] the most important thing to a Craftknight? She thought for a moment then decided [i] "To improve the lives of others." [/i] [b]In battle- do you rely more on skill or your weapon?[/b] This was an easy one. [i]"My weapon, I am nothing without it."[/i] she admitted. [b]"Think of someone whom you admire- what is it about them that you admire so much?"[/b] Calette thought of her mother who always tried to cheer everyone in her family up despite her illness. [i]"She never lost the will the smile and bring happiness to everyone around her. I admire her kindness, selflessness, and strength."[/i] [b]"And finally- what does love mean to you?"[/b] [i]"Love is the strongest bond in the world. It doesn't matter if we are separated by thousands of miles, love connects us. And it is the only thing that is immortal because even when we die, the love we share will still exist."[/i] she thought, holding her hands to her chest and thinking about her family, those who are still alive and those who have already passed. When she was done, she took a large step back. Although it didn't come yet, she could feel a sensation she could not completely describe. She just knew that her Guardian Beast was going to be her most loyal partner and best friend.