After thinking a lot about it, Lincoln decided that he wasn't going to pout around. He was going to do something about he. He stood up from the tall grass that he was enclosed by, and made his way to the low level boars. One by one, he killed. At first, he pretty much sucked. Really bad. After a good day of killing and leveling up to level 2, he was proud of himself. Lincoln knew that he would need better equipment if he anted to get anywhere. But right now, he couldn't afford it. Lincoln found an inn in the Town of Beginnings. When he entered, there was about ten people talking and laughing. It's crazy how the human mind works. One minute, everyone is devastated, and the next minute, people are sharing a drink. He sat down at a table and a waitress appeared. These NPCs are superb, "Hey there. Can I help you?" Lincoln looked up at her from his menu, "Oh yeah, can I get some cooked beef please?" Lincoln found the waitress actually attractive. Too bad she was a NPC. "Right away." The waitress went back to the kitchen. Lincoln looked over the drops he got from the boars he had killed most of the day. He also gained a lot of experience, a whole level, "I could probably just sell these...keep these...this might come in handy..." The waitress came back with Lincoln's food and set it down, "Would that be all?" The waitress smiled. "Yes. Thank you." Lincoln enjoyed his meal, the beef was actually very good and tender.