[@Puffhead] "Hella," replied Alda, the corners of her mouth turning upward. "I am going to kick so much ass," she added, with a hint of sarcasm: with her leg the way it had been ever since her accident, she wasn't entirely sure that she would be able to win a fight. She made a mental note to herself not to tell a soul that her femur had been shattered a while back, although perhaps the Slight boys knew. She also told herself to hide her limp, which was definitely easier said than done. Maybe she could use her ability to give herself a boost... but she didn't want to risk that; it would be absolute suicide. The instructor barely managed to turn her head, but when he did she gave him her full attention. Her muscles tensed and she bit her lip, quietly and barely-noticeably flexing. Her ambition, although the odds were against her, made her heart quicken. Maybe, just maybe, she could get those twenty points. Then that bitch from dinner wouldn't have such a nerve! Her eyes flickered from person to person as she nervously sized up the competition. There were certainly some who would be hard, if not impossible, to beat. But that didn't mean Alda wouldn't try. Her gaze returned to Derric. "You ready?" she asked, softly so as not to attract Sky's attention.