[quote=@Ogobrogo] FUCK DA RULES... Also I don't have any cash on me. [/quote] [quote=@Zoldyck] Viva la revolution! I, Zoldyck, just liberated page 101 in the name of justice, freedom and lord Tesla. Rejoice for there are no more fines to be paid! Everyone is equal in the eyes of our glorious new state! We are the free people! Long live the Union! Long luve the party! TESLA BE PRAISED! Edit: I, Zoldyck, also just got ninja'd by Ogo and deem him an enemy of the state! TESLA BE PRAISED! [/quote] Shh, friends, the almighty Lord Tesla smiles upon you both for liberating this page. In the name of His Glory, love thy neighbor as you would yourself! Lord Tesla calls for peace among his people: it would be folly to ignore him. BAH! BAH! Praise be to the Sheep God! May all cower before His Dark Glory!